
A Writing Guide for Cause and Effect Essays

Cause and Effect Essays

Each phenomenon in this world is related to each other in some way or another. All our actions cause a result and have a connection with one another. When we intend to bring this connection in writing, it does not feel that easy. We need to build logical coherence in the relationship between the variables or the actions that we want to write about. Writing a cause-and-effect essay can help you connect the dots. Therefore; this blog aims to bring you a writing guide for cause-and-effect essays.

In this blog, you will find:

Understanding Cause and Effect Essay

A cause-and-effect essay is a form of writing that aims to seek out and write about the relationships between different events, actions, and circumstances. The basic purpose of this essay is to investigate why certain actions or events occur (cause) and what their possible consequences (effects) could be.

In a cause-and-effect essay, we study causality by exploring connections between events and investigating their outcomes. The essay’s structure will contain an organized presentation of causes, effects, evidence, and examples.

Cause and Effect Essay Outline

Essay structure plays a crucial role in the essay writing process. This writing guide for a cause-and-effect essay presents a basic outline that can help structure your essay in a better way.

For checking outlines for other essays, have a look: 

1- Classification Essay
2- Narrative Essay
3- Comparative Analysis Essay
4- Definition Essay

  • Introduction: Just like other essays, this essay too begins with a captivating hook that can grab the audience’s attention. It presents a brief overview of the topic and ends with a strong thesis statement, quoting the main argument of the essay.
  • Body Paragraphs: The body paragraphs would contain details regarding the causes and effects of the events, actions, or scenarios that we consider discussing. The structure of the body paragraph is mostly of two types, i.e. block structure and chain structure.
  1. In block structure, the first body paragraph discusses all the causes relevant to the topic and their supporting details. Then, the next body paragraph discusses all the relevant effects with proper evidence and examples.
  2. On the other hand, in chain structure, each body paragraph discusses a unique cause and its subsequent outcome or result, forming a chain-like progression of the discussion.

The body paragraphs should be written in a way that the connection between the phenomena can be clearly seen.

  • Conclusion: The conclusion wraps up the essay with a generalized impact of the action or phenomenon. It also provides a summary of all the causes and effects highlighted in the body paragraphs and their interconnectedness. 

Thesis Statement of Cause and Effect Essay

Writing a thesis statement for cause and effect essay can be a bit tricky. Before drawing any thesis statement for your essay, make a rough outline of it and draw the main points that you want to discuss. This will help you in scratching a thesis statement effectively for your essay.

Write your thesis statement in a way that can give the impression that the whole essay revolves around that same central idea. While writing your thesis statement, make sure that it is stated clearly and that it does not contain any irrelevant material. Also, think about whether you have enough details to support your thesis.

If you keep all these points in mind, you can craft an effective thesis statement for your essay that will then help you in the essay writing process.

Example of Cause and Effect Essay

As examples always make things easier to understand. Therefore, this writing guide for cause-and-effect essays will provide you with a very effective example of the essay. The sample is structured as per the essay outline and is given below:

Cause and Effect Essay on Obesity



Obesity has become one of the main issues in modern societies, especially in impacting public health and lifestyle. It is really crucial to understand the reasons for obesity and their outcomes in order to avoid them and overcome the issue. This essay aims to address two causes of obesity, i.e. poor diet habits and a sedentary lifestyle, and two important effects, i.e. health issues and psychological impacts.


Causes of Obesity

Obesity is mainly caused because of poor diet habits. The heavy intake of high-calorie food like junk food and sugary drinks leads to an unhealthy intake of food. Furthermore, avoiding high-nutrient foods like beans, cereals, vegetables, and fruits causes deficiencies in our bodies that results into an unhealthy life. The junk food outlets and brands market their food items so much that their intake and consumption increase. This causes an imbalance in the consumption and burning of calories.

Another reason for obesity is our sedentary lifestyle and the increased screen time. We are so much into using technologies that we lack doing physical activities. We use machines and newly invented technologies even for our households. This period of inactivity like being busy on our phones and using machines for all our work reduces the burning of calories. Moreover, we use cars for mobility because of which we almost completely avoid walking.

Effects of Obesity

Obesity causes serious health issues. It becomes the reason for many diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. The high intake of calories causes excess body fats, which result in insulin resistance and high blood pressure. An obese cannot walk through stairs for a long time due to heavy weight and faces joint issues like osteoarthritis due to added fats causing stress on weight-bearing joints of the body.

Likewise, obesity results in lower self-esteem and body dissatisfaction. An obese cannot walk confidently among people because of his self-image and societal judgment, causing major mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and emotional distress. All these issues can result in unhealthy behavior patterns and further weight gain.


For a better and healthier lifestyle, one has to consider all the causes and effects of obesity to avoid it, and the ones already suffering should take all the necessary approaches to treat and prevent obesity. By avoiding poor dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle, we can avoid obesity. As a result, we can reduce the chances of getting physical and mental health issues, and dive into a healthy lifestyle.

Topic Ideas for Cause and Effect Essays

There are some interesting topic ideas that you can use for writing a cause-and-effect essay. The topics can be used by academic students and anyone else who might encounter cause-and-effect essay writing.

  1. Excessive Use of Social Media, its Reasons and Repercussions
  2. Effects of Junk Food on Health
  3. The Reasons for Being Intolerant
  4. Climate Change and its Outcomes
  5. Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Human Productivity
  6. The Positive Impact of Morning Walk on Human Lifestyle
  7. Social Media in Propagating Brand-consciousness
  8. Impacts of Binge-watching on Sleep Patterns
  9. The Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Academic Performance
  10. Poverty, a Cause of Increased Crime Rate
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